
TEst calculator


Support plan comparison chart

Description No Plan Total Care

Proactive Technology Management

Network Monitoring and Alerting
Client Ticket Portal
Remote Network Management
Patch Management
IT Assest Management  
Licensed Antivirus Software and Updates
Licensed Spyware Software and Updates
Hardware and Software Inventory
Print Management
Treat Management and Prevention Services
Storage Services
Monthly Executive Summary Network Report Optional
Mobile Device Management
Backup Services & Failed Backup Remediation

Reactive Support Services


Reactive Support of Existing Environment

Help Desk Services* $125/hr.
Moves, Adds or Changes $185/hr. $145/hr.
Afterhours Emergency Response Fee $280/hr.
Emergency Response Time 8 hours 1 hour
Standard Response Time 24 hours 4 hours
Onsite Support 4 hr min 2 hour min
Phone and Remote Support Sessions $50 per 15 min.
Virus Removal
Spyware Removal
Hardware Repair
First Priority Response

Technology Consulting

Vendor Management
Vendor Support Contract Review
Budget Planning
CIO and Roadmap Services
Quarterly Review

Additional Services

Content Filtering and Security Services
Security Scans
Software Deployment
Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity
Offsite Backups $0.35/GB $0.35/GB
United Communications and Instant Messaging
Managed Office365 Services (Email, Sharepoint, etc.)
Technical Support Services
Customized Reporting
Support Plan Monthly Total $0.00 $0.00
*For information about what is included in Help Desk Services visit www.helixstorm.com/statementofwork   - Not Included - Included - Inquire